About me
Hi my name is Lindsay Rodgers….
I am a portrait, family, and lifestyle photographer living in Poland, Ohio. I serve both the eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania areas. I have loved photography all of my life, and I started my photography business in 2019 after our family made its new home in Ohio.
Sometimes you will see my husband or one of my three teenage boys assisting me during my sessions and helping with my equipment. Our family also includes two little white fluffy dogs, Dash and Daisy, who are in most of the photos on my phone’s camera roll!
Photography is more than a job or a business for me. I see it also as a ministry. Life is hurried, crazy, and busy. Moments during which you and your family are able to slow down, dress up, and celebrate a moment—an anniversary, a birthday, a holiday, a graduation, an accomplishment, or simply time together—those are priceless moments, sacred moments. It is my privilege be invited into these sacred moments and take your photograph to create a memory that you can enjoy for a lifetime.